15 Mai 2022

1877 - Peterson´s Magazine im Mai und Juni

Heute werfen wir einen Blick zurück in den Frühling des Jahres 1877. Peterson´s Magzine beschert seinen Leserinnen einen Blick auf "Les Modes Parisiennes". 

Die ausladende Tournüre ist zwischenzeitlich verschwunden, man trägt die Kleider gerne über der Hüfte eng. Erst unterhalb der Hüfte weitet sich das Kleid nach hinten, die Front bleibt schmal. Der Prinzess-Schnitt hat sich etabliert, oft reicht das Oberteil über die Hüfte oder bildet mit dem Oberrock eine Einheit. Auf reichliche Dekoration und gerne auch eine Schleppe mögen die Damen weiter nicht verzichten um damit beim Promenieren eine gute Figur zu machen. 

Mai 1877:

 Von links nach rechts:

1. Carriage Dress of Pink and White Striped Algerine - The dress is all in one, but made to simulate a skirt and overdress, and is trimmed with knife-pleating flounces; it is of the Princess shape, has a large pocket and ist trimmed with cardinal red ribbons. White chip bonnet, trimmed with cardinal-red, and with a plume, tipped with cardinal-red.

2. Carriage Dress of Light-Yellow Camels´s Hair - The under-skirt is of silk of the same color, quite long, and trimmed with deep ruffles; the basque is somewhat coat-shaped, and with the overdress, is trimmed with worsted fringe. Bonnet of straw, with yellow plume, and light-blue face trimming.

3. Walking Dress of Blue, Green, and Cardinal-Red Plaid Geraldine - The underdress ist of blue silk, with alternate knife-plaiting; flowers of blue and green silk; the trimming of the basque and sleeves is of the blue silk. Capote bonnet of blue silk, with green plume.

4. Carriage Dress of Gray Silk - The underdress has one deep flounce, edget with a knife-plaiting; of the same; headed by a broad band of steel braid; the overdress is cut in Princess style in front, but in a partial coat-shape in the back, where the front-drapery is attatched; small scarf mantelet tied in front; the whole ist trimmed with wide steel braid, and large mother-of-pearl buttons. Hat of gray straw, trimmed with cardinal-red ribbon.

5. Walking-Dress of Light-Green Mohair - The underdress has a very full, rather broad-plaited ruffle toward the back, but the ruffle is put on plain in front; the upper part of the skirt is arranged in two fan-shaped ruffles at the back, but is plain in front, and is trimmed with a wide worsted fringe; a large pocket is on the left side, just above where the finge ends; the over-dress is very close-fittin, opens down the middle of the bust, to the left side, and is trimmed with a Greek border, braided in a darker shade of green. Capote bonnet of green silk; with soft lace and pink roses in the face. 

Juni 1877:

Von links nach rechts:

1. Evening Dress of Pink and White Muslin - The underskirt is of white muslin, trimmed with a deep flounce and puffings over pink silk; the long train is of pink silk, trimmed with lace and long trailing braids of red roses. The coat-basque is also of pink silk, with white tulle and sleeves, and ornamented with red roses on each shoulder. Red rose in the hair.

2. House Dress of Blue Gauze Damask, Over Blue Silk - The body and skirt are cut in one piece, and the waist buttons from the centre to the left side; the right side of the overdress falls quite plain, and it is looped more to the left side at the back. Three-quarter sleeves of blue silk.

3. Walking Dress of Yellow Fawn-Colord Percale - The underskirt is trimmed with two knife-pleatings of percale, between which is a ruffle of English embroidery; the deep over-dress and basque waist are also ornamented with the same kind of embroidery. White muslin hat, trimmed with daisies and poppies.

4. Afternoon Dress of Pink-Striped Grenadine, Over Pink Silk - The front of the dress has the grenadine put on crosswise; the back ist straight; the deep basque waist is also straight, and the whole is trimmed with ruchings of pink silk and the grenadine. Large straw hat, lined with pink silk, and trimmed with pink ribbon and roses. 

5. Afternoon Dress of Sulphur-Colored Organdy - The underdress is trimmed with three knife-plaited flounces; the over-dress and basque are ornamented with insertion and deep edgings of Smyrna or torchon lace; the sleeves are composed of bands of the lace insertion and bands of the organdy. Straw hat, trimmed with a sulphur-colored feather and a wreath of wild roses.

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